Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bhavana Sprout Fig Dubbel

Bhavana Sprout Fig Dubbel. 

7.6 % ABV, Brewery Bhavana, Raleigh, NC.

Clear, dark burgundy hue, slim head.

In the nose: brown sugar, dark fruit, caramel malt. Belgian malt?

In the mouth: mild and mellow at first, swiftly unfolding into something significant. It’s a little figgy, a bit datish, but more clean and malty. Alcohol provides warmth, but doesn’t threaten brain cells. Classically composed, almost elegant. Highly enjoyable. 

Sneaky fig dubbel ale

Whole figs gives this refreshing Dubbel a tricky, sweet aroma and amber hue that belie it’s clean, dry finish.

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