Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Falling Knife The Long Highway Cold IPA

 Falling Knife The Long Highway Cold IPA.with HBC 586 and Simcoe hops. 

7.3 % ABV, Fallible Knife Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.

I don’t review Falling Knife’s beers very much these days, for one main reason: my ban on hazies. It seems that it’s all they ever release. Well, now here’s a Cold IPA. Didn’t I ban those once, too. Let’s see if I can remember why. 

Clear, pale golden hue, slim white head.

In the nose; soft and citric. 

In the mouth: light bodied, slight bitterness, appropriate levels of hoppiness, easy-drinking and most assuredly refreshing. Some citrus, some stone fruit. Maybe a little melon? 

I think I remember why I stopped writing about Cold IPAs….there’s not much to say about them. 

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