Thursday, April 19, 2012

Unibroue Maudite

Unibroue Brewery of Chambly, Quebec, is one of my favorite breweries, and I've certainly been neglecting them here. I've only done two of the bottles, and this is the first of their beers I've tapped since getting this blog thing in gear. As much as I love their brews, I pass them over in favor I've new beers I've  yet to try. Such is my lot.
Maudite, "the Damned", is one of my favorites from one of my favorites. I can't believe it's taken me this long to tap a keg. There's a reason somewhere, but it's so preposterous, I won't speak of it. I will only sip this savory ale and reflect on my earliest notes from a bottle, back in February, 2003. It's another gusher, but I still mean every word.

The color is the loveliest, most perfect red you can imagine, the color of Satan's pajamas, and the head is bubbly, prickly, fantastically white.

Aroma is largely spicy, utterly delightful, with additional notes of dark fruits, berries, currant, citrus, and a hint of flowers, plus a good helping of lemon.

Good carbonation, and a massive deployment of hops upon the palate. The alcoholic component does not seem obvious at all, nay, it sneaks up upon you, as you innocently enjoy this delicious ale. Very smoth and tasty as anything on earth, heaven, or hell. Medium body, sufficient malt, but the hops are fully in charge here, and deliver the drinker into fully refreshing enjoyment.

One of the best beers in the whole damned world!

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