Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dave's BrewFarm KISSed by Orange

You may have noticed, if noticing is your thing, that when I began including the Eastlake beers here at the Nib, I started scanning the descriptions from the menu and posting them here, rather than transcribing them, as I must do when they are affixed to curved surfaces, such as bottles or cans. Why don't I do that with the BrewFarm beers? Why not, indeed? And you get an added dimension when you see the Farmer Dave description straight from the LaBrewaTory menu. You learn of his love of the comicsans font. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Enough of that, let's drink a beer.

 It's a murky brownish-red coloring, under a sturdy, 1/2" creamy. tanned head. Looking great.

Aroma: malty and rich, with orange fruit tones shining through. Malty, orange, sweet, mmm.

Taste: This is interesting stuff, and another amalgamated mix-em-up from the BrewFarm. Hops and malts that don't normally go together, mashed up for something different. Dark malts, brown sugar, light malts, hops from all over, and brown sugar, plus orange peels. Terrific balance, wonderful blend. No real reason that it was inspired by the rock band Kiss. I think it went like this: Let's call it Kissed by Orange, a la Sunkist. Wait, says Farmer Dave, I love KISS! So, therefore…

It's a tasty beer, for sure. Little bit of orange, lots of tasty malt, just a kiss of the hops. Somehow, it works. Mmm.

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