Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Coronado El Rollo India Pale Ale

Coronado El Rollo India Pale Ale. West-Coast style IPA. Collaboration with Pizza Port Brewing. 

7.2 % ABV, Coronado Brewing, Coronado, CA. 

Clear, bright golden hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: fragrant, zestful, Citra-tasting. Utterly lovely. Lemon alights upon grapefruit to intermingle. 

In the mouth: pow! Hop bitterness hits from the first sip. Citrus notes meet the taste of the tropical. Fresh and vibrant, delivering shock after shock of hoppy delights with each new gulp. Lean bodied and delicious. Leaning dry, with a touch of sweetness. 

I like my West Coast IPAs bone-dry and brittle, but I can also enjoy variations such as this. West Coast is surely the best coast. 


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