Thursday, September 12, 2024

MetroNOME Squeeze Play East Coast IPA

 MetroNOME Squeeze Play East Coast IPA.

7.3 % ABV, MetroNOME Brewery, St. Paul, MN.

Is the name a baseball reference, from this music themed  (and gnome themed) brewery? Since I have to ask, you can tell I’m not a sports fan. I have to wonder why, when this heart of mine would rather see jazz pop up in beer more often. 

Also, I have to wonder what they mean by East Coast IPA. There used to be East Coast IPAs, and they were maltier than this, closer to English IPAs. And they shouldn’t be confused with New England IPAs, naturally.

Clear, golden hued, slight white head. 

In the nose: bright and fruity, floral, citrus and tropical. 

In the mouth: crisp and clean, smooth and easy drinking. None too bitter and pleasingly flavored with hoppiness. Just a little juicy, a merest touch of sweetness. An amiable beverage to while aware sixteen bars, or sixteen ounces, at a time. 

Flavor Notes: Tropical on the nose and fruity on the mouthpiece. A great low-bitter IPA for wetting the whistle before belting out a few bars of “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”

I’ll bet this description was penned by brewer and horn player Kevin Welch himself. I’m also betting this is best consumed at St. Paul Saints games. 

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