Monday, January 30, 2012

Laughing Dog Dogfather Imperial Stout

Did you know that Dogfather backwards is RehtafGod? That's what I'm saying, man.

The Dogfather Imperial Stout, Laughing Dog Brewery, Ponderay, Idaho. 10.5% ABV. No ponderous verbiage to be found on the label, only random gunshots.

Solid black coloration, rich, toasted tan head, beautiful appearance. Just what I want to see when I'm downing an Imperial Stout.

Licorice hits the nose first, then black strap molasses. Dark chocolate comes up next. Deep and decadent. This one goes all the way. Butterscotch and caramel, sweetness to go, but not too much. Nicely tempered, while utterly decadent. I love this. Gorgeous. 

On the tongue, it's a bittersweet mix that hits first. Sweet, bitter, sweet, bitter, on and on, and on. A little fruity, then the bitter chocolate, then the darkness. Quite a mix, and completely a pleasure. 

Full bodied, long, rich finish. Great balance, with just enough bitter to balance the sweet. And plenty of sweet to make it delicious. Mmmm…

This isn't going to unseat any of my top favorites in this style, but it will work it's way among the second echelon. 

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