Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bell's Mercury, The Winged Messenger

Bell's Mercury. The Winged Messenger. Alc. 4.8% by Vol.

Appearance: Clouded, bright golden coloring, solid white head atop.

Aroma: spicy (coriander?), floral, a touch of citrus, a little whiff of sour.

Taste: Brisk hoppiness right off the top, then smooth, slightly sweet. Wheaty. Medium-bodied, mellow, not sure what exactly this is supposed to be. Belgian blonde, wit? Hm. Nice beer, but unremarkable.

Once more, I'm a touch nonplussed. I really should have found a copy of "The Planets" to play while drinking, perhaps that would help me understand what this beer's raison d'être might be. What'll the label say? "This is one of a seven part series inspired by Gustav Holst's musical composition, "The Planets." Strap in and embark on a flavor tour of our solar system---in the order of Holst's piece. Mars to Neptune."

Well, that didn't tell me anything I didn't learn last time. What about Holst or Mercury inspired this particular beer? ….

Postal Script, some time later: I don't have a copy of The Planets, still. I keep forgetting to check the library, and then it dawned on me...everything's on YouTube. I still don't have internet access at home, so that wouldn't help while I drink the beer. But looking back at these notes, remembering the beer, listening to the's light, breezy, jaunty, a little zesty, with splashes of spice....just like that hot planet and the fleet-footed messenger. I see it. I'm going to have to make I sure I get the music before I take one the next beer in the series.

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