Monday, July 13, 2020

Stacked Deck Sally Forth Saison

Stacked Deck Sally Forth Saison.
6.5% ABV. 14 IBU.
Stacked Deck Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

This is the second canned Stacked Deck can offering I've tried so far, and it's another quality illustration, but I can't catch the reference. If anyone can figure out who this ghoul on the label is, don't be shy about telling me.

Clear, bright golden/amber hue, slim to no head at all.

In the nose: Belgian yeast, sweetness, some fruit/spice. Hits all the right notes for a Belgian ale.

In the mouth: Light bodied, easy-drinker. Belgian yeast & malt at play, mild hops, moderate malt. Some citrus fruit, a bit of stone, apricot, etc.
Tasty, but a bit too on the sweet side. Could use from a little more attenuation. But that's a minor quibble. Aside from that, it's a passable summertime pleaser.

Spring couldn't come soon enough so we brewed this light, slightly fruity Saison. Bring on the warmth!

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