Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dave's BrewFarm BrewFarm Funk III

Let the BrewFarm brews roll on! Next up, one I've only had on tap before tonight: #3 in the BrewFarm Funk series, curiously titled "BrewFarm Funk III." 6.6% ABV.

Appearance: brilliant ruby red, under a brief head of off-white foam.

Aroma: fruit is up on top, while wildness lurks below. A light pleasant souring meshes well with sweet malt notes.

Taste: Past the lips, the sour factor is more prominent. A refreshing blast of sour blazes past the lips and splashes down the throat. Sweet and sour do a bracing, bold tango, with small bolts of bitterness to break up the monotony. Delicious. Medium bodied, fresh, and multi-faceted. Just the way I like it!

What's FD say? ""The funk continues! An assortment of malts, including Ashburne Mild, Rye, Carapils, Extra Special, and Caramel 20, hopped with Warrior, Nugget, and Simcoe hops and fermented with a Belgian strain. Pairs well with cured meats and creamy cheeses."

Well, it's going down fine with pork chops and rice tonight, that's all I can tell you.

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