Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dave's BrewFarm CinnaPepper

The news of the sale (pending) of Dave's BrewFarm has led to some assumptions and misinformation. "I heard it's under new ownership," someone said to me. No, not for some time now, so we've got months left of enjoying the fruits of Dave's madcap labors. Here's the first growler I cracked open when I got home, a new one called CinnaPepper:

Dave's BrewFarm CinnaPepper. 6.9% aBV.
Let's make a wild guess and assume there's cinnamon and pepper in here. A brand new one from the LaBrewatory. Even though things will wind down soon at the BrewFarm, that doesn't stop Farmer Dave from continuing to invent and innovate.
Growler bottled on 11/27, purchased 11/29, opened 11/30.

Appearance: deep crimson coloring, slim white head. (Starts big, but dwindles soon.)

Aroma: spicy, malty nose with growing pepper presence. Nice and subtle.

Taste: Palate is greeted first with lightly hot spiciness, dark malts, bready and peppery. Smooth stuff, lean and clean and on the scene. Let us never forget the way of the BrewFarm is not extreme, nor in one's face, but subtlety and balance. Hardly a bomb among them. So opening this growler, I knew what to expect (and, I had one on-site yesterday).

Cinnamon and pepper are here in judicious amounts, just enough for taste. CP steers clear of extremes and is instead an easy-drinking spiced ale. Spicy and sweet and all-reet.

What's Farmer Dave say? "Pale and Victory malts, light brown sugar, hopped with Columbus, Palisade and Select hops, plus a late addition of black pepper and cinnamon. Fermented with a farmhouse yeast. Simmer down, CinnaPepper, simmer down…"

When I first looked at the photos I took, I didn't see any good ones? What happened? So, I decided to use the photo form Saturday's BrewFarm visit, which had no head at all, being taken quite some time after being poured. Then, I found better pictures. Where were they? Who knows, I don't understand all this modern techno gibber-jabber! Why, in my day....

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