Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Oliphant Medium Talent Imperial Stout

Oliphant Medium Talent Imperial Stout. 9% ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, Wisconsin.

Utter blackness, beautiful cocoa-tinged head, leaving lace.

In the nose: soft, malty, slightly sweet. Cocoa/ toffee, coffee, earthy. Nice.

In the mouth: deep, rich, malty. Coffee, chocolate, anise & more. A little bit of spice. An enticing combination. Not as rich and full-bodied as other RISs, but there ain’t nothing wrong with that.
Quite tasty. I’d even say malt-tastic.

The name gives away the fact that this is no thick and thunderous, balls-to-the-wall powerhouse. (Or does it? We don't really know, now.)
But does everything need to be? This one has it’s own thing going on. And I quite like it.

medium talent

some say a medium’s talent is medium talent. who says that and in what reference is that to?. grab you qwegee board and ask away!!!!!

imperial stout. 9% abv

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