Sunday, April 12, 2020

BlackStack Thirst Encounters of the Third Kind Triple IPA

BlackStack Thirst Encounters of the Third Kind Triple IPA.
10 % ABV. Blackstack Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

Hazed to the moon and back again. Absolutely opaque. Slim chalk white head atop.

In the nose: Citrus hop notes. Trifle tropical, too. Bits of berries below. Starting shy, soon unfolding.

In the mouth: Bright, bold, assertive. Bursting with fruity hop goodness, but barely bitter. All that hazy lies lazy on the palate. Medium bodied, soft, easy going. 10 % ABV starts ringing in loud and clear. Getting richer and thicker as we continue. Fairly powerful stuff, and we're just getting started.
Sweetness kicks in, then turns dry. Temporary bitterness on the palate, while the booze gets bolder.

This is my first beer of the night. A few hours to go in this lonely quarantine night, with other biggies on the docket. May not have been my best choice to begin, but I'm glad I had it.
Thanks, Ed!

Another year older, another year young. Another attempt to pass through the hoppy wormhole into another oil laden dimension 🌌 This expedition we took spaceship SABRO 🚀 to substation MOSAIC 🛰 in the the first sub STRATA ⚛️ where we froze the crew with EKUANOT CRYO ❄️ and handed the controls over to Robot EXPERIMENTAL HBC-692 🤖 to man the ship into another GALAXY 🪐… We started out trying to make an offensively over-hopped anniversary beer and accidentally ended up writing the synopsis to what sounds like a pretty dope sci-fi novel. I think we’re onto something here…

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