Friday, April 3, 2020

Modist Lord Hungous Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout 2018

Modist Lord Hungous Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout 2018. W/ Marshmallow & Vanilla.
11.8 % ABV. Modist Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.

Solid blackness, slim brown ring of foam above.

In the nose: smoke, char, spice, much malt, vanilla and cherries.

In the mouth: Richness, molasses, thick, slick, sweet. Massive malt. Smoke. Bacon. Sausage. (?)
Outrageously rich, deep and sweet. Luxurious beyond compare. Spicy, malty, crazy. Keep this one for the good times.

"For us. For you. For the Wasteland." Wasteland was a good beer. Bring that one back!

Borne from the blood and fire of the wasteland. Lord Humungous is a one-of-a-kind Imperial Rye Stout that's made from over 53% malted rye, chocolate rye, and Caramel rye. This motor oil thick liquid was aged within the grains of a Rye Whiskey barrel for about a year then rested on copious amounts of Madagascar Vanilla Beans & marshmallows were added.

Vanilla, sure. But, marshmallows? Really, seriously, marshmallows?  Come on, you guys...Come on.

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