Friday, March 18, 2022

Arbeiter Citralus Double IPA

Arbeiter Citralus Double IPA.

8.1 % ABV, Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

This is rather unheard of of late, so I have to point it out to one and all. This beer was released on Friday, March 11, to absolutely no fanfare that I was aware of, and I bought this crowler the same day, and here I am reviewing it on Monday the 14th. (And not published until Saturday the 19th for some reason.)I don't always get as timely as that. I feel slightly ashamed of all the less-fresh beer that's been patiently waiting it's turn in the fridge, being pushed aside by this hot new can. Still working on clearing away the contents of the cooler, which means a lot of saying no to new beers. A vow which I broke by the lure of this Double IPA, as often happens. Oh, and also, I had already made up my mind to buy this when I discovered there was a BOGO going on! If I hadn't decided to buy a crowler, that would have changed my mind. 

Clear, bright golden, large creamy, snowy white head. 

In the nose: Lemon, lime, orange, and an echo of grapefruit. Exceptionally citric and utterly pretty. Delightfully floral. 

In the mouth: Hop bitterness spanks the palate on first sip. Big citrus and pine. Clean and crisp. Medium body. Slides down smooth, with brittle bitterness breaking the fall. Lip smackingly delicious and refreshing, despite the higher ABV coming a-calling.

Was the first double IPA from Arbeiter? Possibly. Let it not be the last.

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