Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree IPA

Freshly tapped, enjoying this hoppy goodness, enduring it's 13.6% alcohol by volume, looking back on the notes I wrote in June or 2009:

Clouded amber coloring, healthy serving of creamy white froth atop.

Pithy citrus (lemon, lime, tangerine) and pine greets the nose, ripe and raw...

Over the lips and onto the tongue, sublime deliciousness...coats the tongue with powerful hop potency and lush malt flavor. Caramel character keep time with bitter and fruit. Slightly brusque in it's approach, a blast on the palate that begins to fade, but roars back with each subsequent sip.

Fairly full-bodied, beefed up with hops, but not skinny in the malt department, either. Long, lush, lovely finish. Plump, and yum.

Gets a little burnished and brandy-like, showing the full force of the ...13.6%?!?!?!?
but yum!

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