Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Harriet Espresso Elevator Doppelbock

I've done this before, posting a beer without a real review. Heck, I did it last week with those lost notes. But this is like that earlier one, the Town Hall mango coconut whatever. Here is one of many flavored and coffee-fied versions of Harriet's doppelbock, originally tapped at the anniversary party. We started with both the regular Elevator on tap, and the Ethiopian Tchembe, kept switching out the regular and only got around to the second, Espresso version later in the evening. It's still on tap now, and surpasses other coffee doppelbocks I've ever had. In fact, I thought it was a terrible idea until I tried these from Harriet.  Plenty of rich espresso flavor, wonderful texture, long lasting taste. But I just taste a little at a time, because I do need to get to sleep, eventually. I've had oaked and cherry wood versions of this, as well, only on tap at the brewery. Nice stuff. Just plain ol' yum.

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