Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lakefront River West Stein Beer

Notes from May 2003:

Lakefront Riverwest Stein Beer amber lager. 5.7% ABV.

Appearance: muddy bronze body, below a small, dunnish head.

Aroma: a bit complex! Bitter, dark fruits mingle with caramel overtones, although the dominant aspect is dry, with a whiff of carbonation. Malt is felt prominently, and seriously kicks in once you get it up to the lips.

Great texture right up front, and a very mellow mouthfeel. Little hops, but substantially malty. That's what this beauty is all about, and it delivers a fantastic, rewarding taste all the way through.
Rich, tasty, lush, warm and friendly, full in body, this is a malty masterpiece. Just a perfect lager in every respect, never, ever lacking in flavor.

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