Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Oliphant Zwub Zwub Hazy Double IPA brewed with Citra hops

Wait, the seven-eyed Josh-Jabba using his/it's beard to funnel
crap down it's gullet?
Oliphant Zwub Zwub Hazy Double IPA brewed with Citra hops.
10 % ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.

Some time ago, I swear I heard Jeremy say that he was going to cease using Josh as his muse on the Oliphant labels. No, no, I insisted, you can't stop, keep it up, I cried. And so now we have poor ol' Joshie as Jabba the freakin' Hutt. Zwub Zwub, indeed.

Lightly hazed. Bright golden hue. Big ivory froth atop.

In the nose: Nicely hopped. Bold citrus. Popping with lemon, grapefruit, orange, and a taste of the tropical, too.

In the mouth: Juicy, hoppy deliciousness. Even-tempered bitter smack on the palate. Beautiful bitterness meets fruity phantasmagoria, and ever-shifting landscape of fruity/juicy associations. At turns sweet and bitter, but ending on dry. Medium bodied, and easy drinking for the hopheads. Right on the money. Damn, if this ain't a tasty one. I'd even go so far as Yum, a Dum, Dum.

There should be one song you listen to while drinking this beer, and it is not called "Jedi Rocks":

Lapti Nek, lapti nek!

A Hazy Double IPA Brewed with Citra.

A 'Zwub Zwub' is a "zero waste 'ungy boy" who will eat all of your leftover food for you so that you don't throw it away. in fact, you musn't throw it away. the Zwub Zwub demand their feed! 

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