Saturday, March 21, 2020

Dave's BrewFarm Soapberry Surprise

Dave's BrewFarm Soapberry Surprise.
4.5 % ABV. Dave's BrewFarm, Wislon, WI.

Growler #2 from my recent visit to the BrewFarm. Time to plan another visit...whenever the government lets us out to go drinking again.

Meanwhile, I've never heard of a soapberry, so full steam ahead, here we go....

Clear, dark amber color, slim white head.

In the nose: Light fruity esters, reminiscent of a Belgian ale. Slightly malty. Faintly flowery. Delightfully delicate.

In the mouth: Touch of hop bitterness to please the palate. Brace of fruity flavors, touch of citrus and berry. Little trace of grainy malt. Just a tad juicy. Medium bodied, easily drinkable. Light, and refreshing. Altogether likable, in every fashion.

Pils and Melanoidin malts, Tettnang and Galena hops, with a late addition of Lychee concentrate (is of the Soapberry line of plants!), fermented with a Belgian yeast, unique and refreshing. 

And let us pause while we reflect on this last time we will ever see my BrewFarm tulip glass. As I went to rinse it out after use, it slipped from my fingers, as some things do, and fell into the sink, smashing to smithereens. It lasted me a good 7 years and then some, not a bad run. Alas, it would have made quite a nice souvenir.

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