Sunday, March 8, 2020

Hard Seltzers Ahoy! Bauhaus Lime & Dragonfruit + Fulton Hopped

And apology before I begin to my celiac friends who have a legitimate need for these products when requiring alcoholic refreshment:)

Hard Seltzers! Bauhaus Lime & Dragonfruit + Fulton Hopped!

It's time to drink some hard seltzers, yeah! Oh, whoa-o-o-o-o-yeah! Sham-a-lam-a-ding-dong, baby, yeah! All right! Wooo!

And so we shall.

Let's do Bauhaus Bolo Lime first, oh, yeah! Yeah, yeah, baby, yeah!

(Okay, I have to do something to keep my enthusiasm up.)

Watery. Seltzer-y. some lime. Light alcoholic water and you can drink it. Ho meets hum. Blah, blah, blah. I want to like it, Well, it's limey, in it's fashion, I'll give it that.

And now I shall drink a hard seltzer from Fulton called Hopped! #havemorefun. Minn Made.
Citrusy nose. Nice. Lemony/limey flavor. Nice blast of bitterness. Hey, this one's hoppy! Yeah, hoppy seltzer hard water...yum. Mmm. Yum, a dum, dum. It's hops and it's water and it's booze. yum, I said, a dum, dum.

But, ...ah, I get it. You don't want the carbs, just the booze. You want some flavor, not most, not more, not best. Ah, well. Cheers, my friend.

I was supposed to do Bauhaus Bolo Dragonfruit next, but I was all hard seltzer-ed out, so I retired for the evening and did the tasting the next day. And I attempted notes, but what more was there to say. Instead of lime, or hops, it tasted vaguely like dragonfruit. Which I like. In real-life. But, there was nothing else to say. So, let's just say that I said it already. Go get them, if they're you're thing, but I think I'm done.

No more hard seltzer reviewing for me.



Dave said...

I like turtles.

Al McCarty said...

Good to know.