Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Eastlake Tsathoggua Imperial Stout 2019 Aged on Oak and Spanish Brandy

Eastlake Tsathoggua Imperial Stout 2019 Aged on Oak and Spanish Brandy.
11 % ABV. Eastlake Craft Brewery, Minneapolis, MN.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the first review of this beer from a crowler. Two years ago, I did a post wherein I reviewed three bottled versions, all in one, 2015-2017 vintages. Looks like I skipped 2018. Let's see what a fairly fresh sampling is like.

Full ebony coloration, completely opaque, slim dark brown ring of foam.

In the nose: Dark malts, deep, chocolatey, coffee, anise, maple, more....charcoal, tobacco, dark fruits.

In the mouth: Brandy barrel pounds the palate from the start, no turn to subtlety here. Big, broad, powerful. Sweetness and alcoholic strength are high already, keeping ahead of malt flavors. Chocolate malts can't keep up with the brandy barrel.Stays sweet, but ends on a dry note, though the ABV never flags or falters.

But, if you don't care about balance and you're looking for a decadent, knock-out experience, here's one way to go. I can certainly dig it. Balance is something you need all the time. Once in a while, within the comforts of home and such...go off the rails.

Legend has it this beer is named for a toad-like gargoyle. This Imperial stout is barrel aged in American Oak and Spanish Brandy Barrels. Flavor notes include coconut, orange marmalade and pineapple. (in addition to)...traditional cacao, coffee and burnt caramel. Equally viscous and vicious, it pours out of the crowler like a torrent of black quicksilver, the opaque blood of the gods. 

I got not coconut, pineapple, or marmalade. Maybe I wasn't paying attention. Shame on me. Peeking at past notes, I did pick up some fruit. "Chocolate-covered orange" I said two years ago. Pineapple, though? Maybe....

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