Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dave's BrewFarm Matacabras Blonde

Matacabras Blonde. Dave's BrewFarm. Growler purchased one week ago. Man, I am behind, (there are two more after this!), so let's get going!

Appearance: hazy plum red, slim, but lasting white head.

Aromatics: Soft fruit, spicy rye malt, minor hops, distinct Belgian yeast-iness. A trace of fruity funk.

Taste: Malt hits first, spicy and bready, followed by yeast. Alcohol swiftly follows. Rises higher and higher, overcomes the malt. Mouthfeel isn't as full and rich as the normal Matacabras, hops aren't felt at all. The paler malt must leave more room for the booze to shine. But it's not so big that it's a threat, just a little louder than normal.

Here's what the Farmer man says about this experiment: "8.5% ABV, A paler version of the original Matacabras. This equally tempestuous brew has robust American hops and rye to make this ale an experience to savor."

Actually, I can't recall if it was an experiment or a mistake. Though it tastes fine, I wouldn't choose it over regular Mata, if the two were side by side. Now, what if I had never had reg-Mat to compare it to, what about that? What would have happened then? I'd find it too "hot" as the kids say these days. And find it lacking the malty charms of reg-Mat…original-Mata…ur-Mat…Mata-prime…
It also shows the importance of a well-crafted recipe. When one ingredient is missing or replaced, it doesn't feel quite right, and you would need to make some more switches in order to find a better integration.

Nonetheless, even mistake beers from the BrewFarm end up being good beers…if not exactly perfect.

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