Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Founders Black Rye

You know what? I'd forgotten that this beer existed. I hadn't seen it anywhere, and I didn't remember ever drinking one. Then, a friend gave me a bottle, and I looked it up. Turns out that I'd written about a bottle back in January of 2005. Whoa, taking us way back. Here are those notes:

Deep black color, full cocoa/tan head..nice lookin'...I like it okay...

Aroma: rich and creamy, big, grainy, feeling, almost loud... very dark.

Taste: rich and full, very dark and tasty, posssessing exceptional grit, very full texture, hearty mouthfeel.

Medium bodied, so-so finish...kind of curious about the need for a beer of this kind, it doesn't satisfy like a porter or a stout. A nice drink, though not much to really remember.
Hurrah, Black Rye, ...

I'd file those notes under "unimpressed", to say the least. As for the bottle I had, still enjoyable, but nothing to get excited about.

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