Friday, September 29, 2017

Oliphant Hobotown 2.0 Tequila barrel-aged Gose

HoboTown 2.0. Gose tequila barrel aged. 5.5% ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.

Clear, pale amber toned, slim and gone white head.

In the nose: Sweet. Lime. Salt. Tart. Wheat. Zest. Hmmmm, and Mmmmm.

In the mouth: Sharp and sour at once, then the salt comes along, with the lime. Refreshing and delicious, tequila comes along and coats the palate. Damned tasty. Delicious. Succulent, even.

Hobotown 1.0 was a beer I only got a taste of when it was on tap at the brewery. My friends were enjoying theirs and when I went up to get my own, after getting a taste of theirs, ....all gone. It was a big hit over the hot weekend that ...July, was it? Yeah, it was nice, but Hobotown 2.0 is so nice, I bought it twice. Growler #2 waits for a special day not too far away.

I called this "delicious", already, right? Yeah, it's good. One of my favorite Oliphants, for real.
Chalkboard model Joshua Miller. 

"Hobotown" takes it's name from, once again, the works of Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim. It's the episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor where Tom becomes Vice Mayor and is put in charge of Hobotown, to the usual disastrous results. Oliphant employee Josh Miller became immortalized in chalk, with his likeness appearing on the chalkboard in the style of the show. Above him is a version of Tim from "Awesome Show." And below, Prizza Demon, I have a good guess is from the way that John C. Reilly as Dr. Steve Brule would throw unnecessary r's into words. Like "broats", "crandy", and "prizza." Man, these dudes love those dudes. It's a fertile garden. Let it grow.

Hey, if you've got time on your hands, watch Josh eat food on YouTube. It won't hurt you none.

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