Monday, May 4, 2020

Town Hall Raspberry Chocolate Imperial Stout

Town Hall Raspberry Chocolate Imperial Stout. 9.5 % ABV.
Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery, Minneapolis, MN.

Thorough blackness, utter opacity, slim brown head.

In the nose: streaming out raspberry. Big, bountiful berries. Chocolate lurks below. Slight tartness, massive malt rides behind.

In the mouth: Sweet fruit, at first, rich and lightly tart raspberry rushes in, chocolate just behind. Much malt, dark and dense. Nice duet, ballet between dark and sweet, tart and strong. Getting stronger and larger the farther in we get. Getting more of the fruit than we would of the imperial stout. There's rich malt here, but most of the complexities one looks for in an RIS are covered up by the raspberry. But, I actually don't care. It's great as it is.

Yum. A dum. Dum.

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