Monday, July 19, 2021

Lua Grow Til Tall Pale Ale

Lua Grow Til Tall Pale Ale. Featuring Citra, Azacca, and Motueka hops. 

6 % ABV, Lua Brewing, Des Moines, IA. 

A couple years back, Jason and I took a little trip to Des Moines, Iowa, and managed to take in all of the city's breweries at the time, all within a short two-day visit. Just a few short months later, Lua Brewing opened in the Sherman Hill neighborhood to much acclaim, bringing their total number of breweries in the capitol city to six, I think,( unless more have opened in the past two years that have slipped past my attention. A good possibility.) 

And now they are distributing bottles to the Twin Cites, and I have spent $9 on a 16.9 oz. bottle from an Iowa brewpub, (more than I normally like to spend,) due to my desire to defeat the FOMO monster and say that at last, I have tried Lua. 

Now, let's open it up and see what all the fuss is about. 

All hazy ('cause everything has to be hazy now, don't you know) and dull yellow, with prodigious foam on top, brilliant white in color. 

In the nose: soft, citrusy, lemon and pineapple. Maybe.  

In the mouth: A little juicy at first, then dry til the end. Lightly fruity hop flavors, practically no bitterness. Medium bodied. Refreshing. Soft, with mostly muted flavors. Decent enough beverage, good beer and you can drink it, etc., but I'm a bit underwhelmed, and wonder where else that nine bucks could have gone. 

I knew that this would be a hazy from looking at the bottle when I first opened the case and put them out on the shelf. I'm still trying to avoid the hazies, so I don't keep repeating my objections over and over, but as I said before, I just had to give these guys a try. It's alright, but certainly nothing to swoon over. I guess I need to try more of their beers to get a grip on the hype. Another road trip? 

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