Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Arbeiter Sessionista Session IPA


Arbeiter Sessionista Session IPA. 

4.7 % ABV. Arbeiter rewing, Minneapolis, Mn. 

Clear, bright golden hue, large, lasting, lace-leaving ivory head. 

In the nose: Malt sweetness hits first, then hop flavors rush in. A touch of farmhouse funk? Or something.

In the mouth: Mostly malty, with a light hop bitterness on top. Light and easy. Good drinker. Still curious about that thing that I could only call farmhouse funk. Was it something from fermentation? Well, there's nothing wrong with it, just stood out of place in an IPA. Which I don't think this is.  Can't we say "pale ale" anymore? 

Like the cool breeze of fall amidst the chaos of autumn events like going back to school, Oktoberfest, beer releases, and pumpkin spice everything, we bring you Sessionista. A clear, crisp crusher featuring Callista hops, Sessionista is a reset button, a pause, a low ABV beer so you can step back into the chaos and not miss a step.

Callista hops are a new German-grown variety with parentage to the classic fresh-cut hay, floral, and earthy Hallertau Tradition. Callista exhibits stone fruit aromas along with these more traditional hop elements.

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