Friday, May 20, 2022

Fulton Night Swim DDH Hazy IPA

 Fulton Night Swim DDH Hazy IPA.

7.2% ABV. Fulton Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

And here we have the sort of beer that I would not normally purchase, for I avoid them. But it was given to me and any beer in my possession must be reviewed and entered into the Nib. (With certain exceptions.) Another unusual circumstance is that I am reviewing it the day after receiving it. Why? Perhaps I want to get it out there before it’s in stores? Yeah, that’s it. And I hope that other people who gave me beer aren’t too upset that I haven’t gotten around to theirs yet. Soon, I keep saying, and hope I’m not a liar.

Light haze, bright golden hue, slim white head.

In the nose: bold lemon and pineapple, citrus and tropical notes spilling out. Highly aromatic.

In the mouth: fruit forward from the start. Juicy blasts on the palate. Big hoppy flavors with low bitterness. Medium bodied, pleasantly drinkable. Nice and smooth. I’ve put aside my prejudices against the hazies long enough to say, if that’s your bag, man, go ahead and dig it. (Why I’m talking like a 1960s era hippie I don’t know. It’s just where my heads at, man.) (is it because Fulton makes me think about the Dude? That must be it.)

I want to add that this was given to me by Fulton rep Nate P., inside of a blaze orange koozie with some crude scribbles and the words Nate told me it was his YouTube video channel and I have since watched several of them. I will see them all shortly. There is nothing quite like the sight of a man holding a fish he caught, be it carp, sucker, or lake sturgeon, and giving it a kiss and telling it “I love you” before letting it slip back into the stream. 

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