Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rodenbach 2007 Vintage

Rodenbach 2007 Vintage, Oak Aged Ale Barrel No. 230, Rodenbach, the exceptional red/brown sour ale of mixed fermentation, takes on it's unique character by maturing in handmade oak vats, some over 150 years old. This exclusive limited edition vintage by Rodenbach (7% ABV) is the result of a two-year aging process in Vat No. 230, resulting in our finest ale produced. Enjoy it's unparalleled sweet and sour palate with a complex aftertaste."

Gorgeous burgundy hue, a rich lavender, a rosy raspberry…with a slim, pinkish head atop. Very clouded. Looks utterly inviting, lovely as can be. 

Aroma: Ah! Wow. Mmmm. Ripe raspberries meet mature cherries, under the fog of funky Belgian yeast. Tart, and sweet, and so tempting. I honestly and truly don't want to take my nose away from it. A lambic like no other. Complex, indeed. And, now to drink it…

Taste: on the lips…sublime. Incredible depth of flavor, large oak effects, delicious fruit factor. Lacks the sharpness and acidity in fresher red ales/ sours, whatever we call them these days. So rounded, so mellow, so groovy. (You know, that's going to become a regular thing in my vocabulary.) There's still plenty of sour snap, lots of zest, very vibrant funky kick, lush fruit…so tasty. So robust, so complex, deep …pretty near impossible to really encapsulate with mere words alone. If I could paint it for you? Animate it for you? Do an interpretive dance? Spin some poetry…perchance?

I went and rhymed again. So sue me. (Worse, it's bad, and trite. And forced. Ah, forget it.)

Medium-bodied, fullest of flavor. Long lasting tartness on the tongue. Gets more complex, with tannin-type feeling  on the palate. Wow, I say again. Damn, this is deliciousness. A mellifluous mix of wine-like flavors, lambic sour and sweet, fruit flavors above and beyond, with an unheard-of depth and complexity. 

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