Monday, August 27, 2012

Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA

These notes are from November, 2007:

Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA. 12 ounce brown bottle. Odd looking label art, slightly askew and off-kilter, like many of their others. (Edit: the new bottle design is much better.)

Hazed orange appearance, small white head, soon gone.

Intense aromatics, out loud and proud! Huge grapefruit citric notes, big pithyorange and lemon peel, slice of pineapple, fresh, vibrant, even pungent, and lively. Lovely stuff.

Fat mouthfeel, plump and abundant with flavor, but it fades back after such a shining promise. Tasty hops. Persistent bright orange flavor never flags, big, bristling bitter buzz playing on the palate.

Little malt in action here.
Nice hop action, but, yet not quite enough, there's a certain spark missing that could push it to another place.

However, I do like this. I could possibly learn to really like it.

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