Monday, August 27, 2012

Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale

I penned these notes in December of 2006....

Clear crimson coloring, edging on darker maroonish, but a full, lush, creamy-toned head, leaving lace. I like it.

Aroma: cherries, whiskey, vanilla, berries, cognac, luscious and lovely. Wide open, deep, complex, mature, and heavenly.

Taste: vanilla jumps up first, smothers the palate with the flavor of that sweet bean, fruit flavors join in as well, but vanilla maintains it's dominance. Yums.

Medium mouthfeel, body, smooth, tasty, ...almost too smooth. But so delicious. If, maybe, too much vanilla. I like other things that arise from the flavors of various oak barrels.
Wait. Oak chips? Oak...chips? No barrells? Hmmm...

Tasty, delicious, ...I like it, but not as much as the Original A.B. So, sue me.

From this bottle, I'm liking it more than I did 5 1/2 years ago, probably more than the original. And I've learned a lot more about barrel aging, and chips and such. Also, I didn't get that much vanilla this time, much more vinous and mellow.

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