Saturday, August 25, 2012

Miller Lite

You know how it is here at the Bitter Nib: we take it for the team, going for the gold as well as the dross, in an effort to get to bottom of everything beer. Toward that, I revisit, the time I checked out the Lite beer from Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I wrote these notes in December, 2005. Here we go...

Continuing my survey of light beer, onward, and....upward?

Tremendously transparent, pale golden hue, slim slab of froth that disappers assuredly, while bubble float up from below. "Looks like a beer."

Aroma: wispy corny sweetness, and little else.

Taste: soft, then crisp, then gone. Lightness is indeed represented in full here, and any flavor that is present is absent before you notice. Doesn"t taste "bad" mind you, and there's a brief bit of malt and grain, enough that I'd say it lives up to it's advertising.

Dry, lightly citric finish, intensely carbonated, faint body. It does what it's supposed to....

Could it actually be happening that i"m saying good things about miller lite? What's next, I'll join the Garth Brooks fan club? Eat all my meals at Hardee's? Throw out my book collection and spend all my time in front of the Tee Vee?

Well, if that's all you want from a beer, lightness, wetness, a modicum of flavor, and the usual amount of booze, here it is, enjoy.

I'll still opt for more hops, more malt, more actual taste, and count us all lucky that such things are indeed in plentiful supply.

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