Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Schell's Snowstorm 2012

Schell's Snowstorm 2012 Biere de Noel Beer, August Schell Brewing Company, New Ulm, MN.

Clear, auburn/crimson hue, small, soon-gone white head.

Aroma: Malty and distinctly lovely. Belgian sweetness and Belgian funk. Flowery, fruity, and utterly delightful.

Taste: On the lips and tongue, a repeat of the nose. Sweetness hits, with a small, almost indiscernible dose of hops, with lush malt carrying the character. Belgian yeast delivers plenty of flavor.

I've never heard of the style "biere de noel", but if they are referring to a Belgian Christmas Ale, which is a rather loose style, this one delivers, though it also feels like a biere de garde. A bit more flavorful, spicier version?

Medium body, long, malty/spicy finish, forever flavorful.

Let's see what the paper tells us: Well, it's the same thing they put on every Snowstorm label. Let's see if we can find anything online...

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