Sunday, December 9, 2012

Straight to Ale Monkeynaut IPA

Straight to Ale Monkeynaut IPA. Straight to Ale Brewery, Huntsville, Alabama. 7.25% ABV.

Half-hazed, deep amber hue, under a creamy slab of off-white foam. Looks nice.

Aroma: Ooo, very nice. Caramel malt meets a massive dose of hops. Plentiful resine-y pine notes, grapefruit and lime. Rich malty nose, too, moreso than one would would expect from a typical, average, "single" IPA.

Tasting it: Considerable heft in the mouth. A good helping of hops at the front, with malt marching behind. Richness abounds. Bigger malt than we'd anticipate in a regular IPA. Tasty as heck, with a long-lasting bitter, hoppy finish. Delicious. Yum. Lost of fruit lingers in the back of the throat, and hangs on the palate.

I could drink a ton of this. Up to a point.

I'm worried about that monkey, though. How did he get out of that rocket? Was he pushed? Is he lost in space, now? Will he ever get home? Is he going straight to ale?

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