Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Great Lakes / Deschutes Class of '88 Collaboration: Imperial Smoked Porter

Great Lakes/Deschutes Class of '88: Imperial Smoked Porter, 9% ABV.

Nearly solid black, peeking out crimson edges, under a lush, creamy coco-toned head.

Smoked malt pops out into the nose first. Someone's frying up the bacon. Hearty malt aromatics hold on to the bottom. Cocoa, caramel, toffee delights at the tip of this cornucopia.

Taste: rich and roasty malt flavor holds court, a big blend of dark malt flavors, with the smoked malt as cream on top. Full bodied. Low hop bitterness. Long, luxurious finish. Creamy and smooth, despite would could be perceived as an extreme flavor. Alcohol isn't felt until…whoop, there it is.

This was one of the porters among the line-up for the StoutFest 2013 event we held back in early November, and once again, I'm grabbing a glass before it's gone. This is one style that divides people. A lot of folks loved, others found it way too smokey for them. If that's the case, probably any smoke is too much. I think it's just right. I like this one big time.

Go ahead and get yourself a bomber. You deserve it.

wait, maybe I chose the wrong glass?

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