Monday, November 16, 2015

Fair State Cromulence

Fair State has been embiggening the local beer scene with their sour beers, lately. In a totally cromulent way, of course. Hence, Cromulence. I bought a bomber, and here's what I said when I drank it up:

IBU: 10. ABV: 4.

Hazy, pale godlen, slim white head.

Aroma starts off wild and weird. Lactobacillus at play? Tart and funky. Some graininess.

In the mouth: Whoa! Ay, yi, yi! Fierce funk, wild and crazy. Is there wheat malt here? Sour stays strong in this. Lasts long on the palate, full of puckering and refreshment. Sour keeps on coming. Perfectly satisfying. If you love a good sour ale, get this one. Now.

Let's see if there's any gobbledygook on the label. "We made a wheat beer, dumped a bunch of bacteria in it, let it sit, boiled it, chucked in some citrus peels, and fermented it in an old dairy tank. That's a perfectly cromulent way to make a beer, right?"

Sure is. What's funny, though, is that every time I type "cromulent" autocorrect wants to change it to "corpulent." D'oh!

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