Friday, January 25, 2019

BlackStack Still Watching? Double India Pale Ale

BlackStack Still Watching? Double India Pale Ale. 8% ABV. BlackStack Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

Thoroughly clouded, dull gold, two inch ivory head, lasting long and leaving lace. They don't bother calling them "hazy IPAs" anymore, they just naturally come that way.

In the nose: fresh and lively. Vibrant hoppy goodness. Pine, citrus and a trickle of the tropical.

In the mouth: Soft and smooth. Creamy, even. Little layer of bitterness starts it off, then subdues and slides back. Sweet malt cuts through the bitter. Tasty stuff. Just enough IPA to hold back the haze, bro. Dance goes on between the hops, malt and yeast. High ABV doesn't encroach entirely, until...yep, here it is.

I'm enjoying it, though it's still far from my favorite interpretation of the double IPA. I want to taste the hops, not the pillow.

Are you there beer nerds? Its me, Blackstack. This is a beer for binge...watching and falling asleep on the couch. A hop hug so loving you’ll think it might carry you up to bed. Citra, El Dorado, Ella, and Rakau in “9 seasons with 22 episodes each” amounts. Bottoms up to being down for one more episode of collapsed cakes and overcooked pastries.

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