Monday, September 20, 2021

Weltenburger Kloster Anno 1850 Märzen Beer

Weltenburger Kloster Anno 1850 Märzen Beer.

5.5 % ABV, 24 IBU. 

Klosterbrauerei Weltenburg, Weltenburg, Bayern Germany

And here we have a beer from a brewery I'd never heard of until the bottle arrived at the retail store where I currently work. How could it have possibly have escaped my attention when it's been around for about 971 years, apparently? Heck if I know. 

Also, I passed on those bottles when the same came out in cans. Good ol' 16 ounce cans in a 4-pack. Everyone's doing it. 

Clear, amber-hued, slim white head. 

In the nose: Slightly sweet, grainy, lightly hoppy. 

In the mouth: Smooth, malty and delicious. Light grainy texture. Medium/light body, excellent drinkability. Classic Märzens flavors. Good ol' drinkin' Oktoberfest. 

This golden yellow Märzen beer, a jewel of Bavarian brewing, combines an exceptionally fine scent with a light, fruity flavor. Full-bodied and spicy at the same time, the malt is emphasized from first sip to the finish. 

Now, I have to wonder why they say "yellow" when it's clearly amber. Color is a universal language, people.

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