Thursday, August 29, 2013

Brouwerij West Mor Mor Quad

Brouwerij West Mor Mor Ale 12, 1O.5 % ALC./VOL. Quad. Brewed and bottled by Brouwerij West, San Jose, CA.

Appearance: Dark brown coloring, small beige head.

Aroma: Cocoa and dark fruit, raisin and plum, sweet and lovely stuff.

Taste: Here it is, again, delivered to the palate in a very mellow way. Cool, calm, and short of stinging. Dark fruit remains highest ranking flavor. Coalesces into a well-rounded. balanced, big, big beer. All in all, though, it stops short of truly delicious. Am I saying I'm looking for more from Mor Mor? Maybe.

I can be highly critical of American versions of quadruple, so much so that I get annoyed by the word "quad." Why are so many afraid of two syllables? What's next? Dub? Trip? Sai…IP…st?

So, while this one fails just a bit short of dropping off all of the goods, I appreciate what is an honest effort.

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