Monday, May 11, 2015

Harriet USA IPA

Harriet American I.P.A. I'm missing a lot of information on this one. It's on tap at the brewery, with the words "USA IPA" on the chalkboard. That's not it's name, though. It's unusual for a Harriet beer to be without a fanciful, even inscrutable, sometimes unpronounceable name. This was supposed to be part of a series, whose name I've forgotten, of beers that go outside the usual Belgian-/German-style parameters they've been doing for over four years.

Without any technical info at all (I should really check the website and see if it's there…...and it's not.), I'm just going to crack open the growler and see what we will see.

Appearance: clear, golden/amber coloring, large white head, leaving lace, looking great.

Aroma: Bright gleaming citrus notes lead off, a little floral, a touch of spice. A little bit sweet, too, to match the bitter. Reminds me of West Side, just a smidgeon.

Taste: Big, bold bitterness blasts the palate, nothing but citrusy hops and sweet malt. Beautifully balanced. I'd guess the ABV at 6.5 or so, maybe 7. And I can't shake this similarity with West Side, there's a distinctive Belgian-esque feeling in the flavor.

Well, it's darned fine American IPA, and it's almost gone, sold entirely at the taproom, as far as I know. Bring it back, Harriet, let's have some more!

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