Friday, November 13, 2020

Lupulin Lateralus-Cacao & Marshmallow

 Last night, I published a post where I promised to cease complaints about the trends that bug me in beer, and concentrate on the good. After that, I had a marshmallow beer. Way to stay on message. (In my defense, I had already purchased the offending beverage, should I throw it out, or --gasp--not review it?)

Lupulin Lateralus-Cacao & Marshmallow Imperial Stout. 

11 % ABV. Lupulin Brewing, Big Lake, MN. 

There were two variant versions released, coconut & marshmallow. Why did I choose this one to write about? Because the coconut version sold out faster (and this one is still on the shelves), and the marshmallow was sold as singles, and I didn't have to buy a 4-pack. So, here I go, drinking a marshmallow imperial stout, because...

Total blackness, thoroughly opaque, lush cocoa-tinged head, looked ridiculously amazing. 

In the nose: Sweetness. Chocolatey...and...can you smell marshmallow? 

In the mouth: Big sweetness hits the palate first, overwhelming, massive malt flavors. Vanilla, cocoa, and ...marshmallow lead the charge of flavors, and that might be about it. Marshmallow is not a flavor I look for in an imperial stout. I wish I could find more flavors, but it's all marshmallow. That might be good for you, 

Far too sweet. Lacking in balancing bitterness. Too much marshmallow. Bleh. I can't enjoy this. Blech.

Expand your mind with Lateralus - Cacao & Marshmallow, the latest release in our Imperial Stout series. Waves of silky sweet chocolate and double fold vanilla flow across fluffy mountains of soft pillowy marshmallows... Embrace the madness and float away to your happy place... 

I will NOT embrace the madness! No! No, to marshmallow beers! No, no, no!!!

(To think that I spend $5 on this can for the privilege of punishing myself.)

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