Thursday, November 19, 2020

Ommegang Wine Barrel Three Philosophers

Ommegang Wine Barrel Three Philosophers. A blend of Quadrupel Ale and Belgian Kriek Ale with cherries aged in red wine barrels. 

9.3 % ABV. Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, NY. 

Dark crimson coloring, beautiful Burgundy hue, slim white head.

In the nose: Softly tannic, rosy, slightly sweet, barrel effects covering up the quad, malt forward.

In the mouth: rich, sweet, slightly tart, wine barrel working it's way on the palate. the kriek/quad lives just below, masked by the red. Vinous. Delicious. Medium bodied, long, malty, fruity finish. The other aspects of Three Philosopher slowly emerge from beneath the barrels. And with it the alcohol, smothering all in it's embrace. Sharp, sweet, tasty, luxurious. Lovely. Now, it's coming together, all the parts are showing off, the quad is showing it's Belgian side, the cherry is peeking through, and the wine is still there. 

Three Philosophers was always lovely, but this is even lovelier. 

It's even...yum a dum dum.

Aromas of roasted malt, dark fruit, molasses and oak accompany flavors of figs, currants and chocolate.

Three Philosophers, our iconic blend of quadrupel and Belgian kriek, is a tour de force whose malty depth and gentle sweetness are the perfect companions for deep contemplation. In 2019, reach new realms of rumination with this limited release of our iconic beer. Searching for the meaning of life? Even if you don’t quite get there, this beer is sure to sweeten the journey.


DeKay5555555 said...

Hey this is Anonymous again
Thanks for locating this one (non-barrel aged 4 pack) for me.
I thiink the Kriek is too subtle, but a very enjoyable beer nontheless

Al McCarty said...

D.K., are you all the Anonymous?