Saturday, February 26, 2011

St. Bernardus Pater 6

Halfway into the St. Bernardus 4-pack, for the abbey dubbel, a meager 6.7% this one, and this time going back to notes from April, 2005:

"Beautiful deep crimson, near-mohagony color, huge head, cocoa-toned, dripping lace on the glass.

Nutty aroma, cola-ish, deep and earthy, some spices, hints of chocolate...nice.

Taste: yum, more of the same nuts and cocoa from the nose, very tasty, like a mellow dubbel, or a more lofty brown ale. Delicious. And that's only the start of it...this is simple and complex at once, a very deceptive ale, almost light and unassuming, but ultimately stirring with character, the flavor getting livelier and more exceptional the further in we get.

Given time, I could think of a million uses for a beer this great, but the best one is as an active ingredient to an oncoming case of happiness.

I'm going to have to make this beer a more intimate part of my life, and keep it well at hand, for anytime I need a jolt of delight and deliciousness."

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