Saturday, October 15, 2011

Boulevard Nommo Dubbel

Nommo Dubbel, Boulevard Smokestack Series, Malt Beverage brewed with molasses and spices. 8.1 % ABV, 1 pint, 9.4 fl. oz. No. 15 in the smokestack series.

"Why Nommo? Long ago in Belgium, Trappist monks created an ale they dubbed "dubbel" as in "two". What is else is double? Twins, of course. About the same time, some 3,000 miles away, the Dogon tribe of Mali worshipped ancestral spirits called Nommo, hermaphroditic, fish-like creates who were, that's right, twins. And get this, nommo comes from a Dogon word meaning "to make one drink". Coincidence? You decide.'

Me, I'm just going to drink. And think. And write. Which is a form of thinking. Speaking of thinking, let's start drinking///

Very dark, rich ruby, magenta tinted hue, under a long lived, dotted, creamy head. Looks great.

Aroma: soft, creamy, nutty, a little dark fruit, a minor whisper of vanilla.

Taste: sweetness first, dark fruit, plum, …nicely rounded, Medium bodied. Judiciously spiced. Mildly mollass-ed. Overall, well-balanced, mellow, malty, mmm. Not overwhelmingly deep or complex, not in the least. Simple enough, tasty enough. I don't not love it.

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