Thursday, October 27, 2011

Harriet RauchFest

Here's one I've been sitting on for a month, because I didn't know what to do about the last sentence. Could I fix it, improve it, come up with a better way to put it?
It's an Oktoberfest, mixed with a rauch(smoked) beer.
This was a brewery-only release, no kegs going out to bars. I wrote this from a growler pour, shortly after the RauchFest event in late September:

Harriet Rauchfest 2011. Growler.
Clear, bronze/copper-hued, slim-to-none head.

Aroma: smoked malt, German malt, bacon, yup. Slightly sweet. But, oh, so smokey.

Taste: more of the same. Rich, meaty maltiness, coats the palate, spreads semi-sweetness, matched by smoke. This delivers the sweet, malty flavors of a marzen wrapped up in the smokiness of a rauchbier. There's not a single damned thing wrong with this, and several things right. 
Not too much to say about it. 

Looking back, there's nothing to apologize for; simple is not bad, Oktoberfests are hardly complex, smoked beers, well, they're smokey.

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