Monday, October 10, 2011

Wells Bombardier Ale

As I my or may not have said before, I try to keep comments on my photos to a minimum. This one, I'll explain a little. A new dining room table has been installed, and it faces the window. The window sill is the stomping grounds of one Rollie the Cat. He's just going to be there, it's what he does, he is a cat. I've already lost some glassware to a lack of recognition of that fact. Also, when I take photos at this vantage point at night, you're going to miss some light. That's a problem with this one, and the next one. I righted my wrongs, and corrected my habits, and from now on I'll switch my seat and take the photo against the background of the white wall of the kitchen. So there. Rollie the Cat won't be hanging out there. Enjoy his brief cameo, in this picture of Wells' Bombardier Ale.

Here come the notes:

Well's Bombardier English Premium Ale  ALC By VOL. 5.2%, Drink of England.

Light brown color, clear, creamy toned head, lush and lace-leaving.

Aroma: bready malt aroma, toasty, lightly roasty. a touch of sweetness, hemmed in by hops. 

Taste: dark malts felt first, caramel and toffee flavors emerge ever so, with a touch of fruit, in there, as well. Ripe apple, a slice of cherry. Fully flavored, smooth, and extreme only in drinkability.

There's nothing on the can telling us what style it belongs to, and I have nothing else in front of me, so I can only guess. Brown ale? Mild? A bit of both? (It looks like Beer calls it an ESB.)

Medium bodied, lingering malty finish. Great sessioner. A good ol' drinking beer, when you just want something tasty and wet, and are in no rush to challenge your taste buds. 

thanks to Jordan the Sample Man for the sample, man.

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