Friday, November 11, 2011

Town Hall Tumaltuous Wheat Wine

Tumaltuous, Wheat Wine, 9.9% 

Clear, golden/amber hue, large, attractive head, leaving lace.

Sweet aromatics, but very even, some honey and fruit, pale malt, lightly floral. 

Taste: forward flavor right off the bat, flush with intensive malt flavors. Light hop bitterness. High alcohol shows it's hand early. Coarse mouthfeel from rich textures. Thickness aplenty. Lacks something in the flavor, though, doesn't quite have enough interesting flavors. Doesn't reach close enough to deliciousness, here. Satisfying, yes. Truly tasty? Not so much. 

Overall, the high ABV rings too loudly, too quickly, and there's not enough payoff in the flavor.

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