Thursday, September 10, 2015

Alesmith Anvil Ale ESB

The first bottle of this beer I ever had was from a trade twelve years ago. The last bottle I put past my lips was last night (this morning), from a sample from the local distributor. At last, I don't have to trade or go to Wisconsin for Alesmith. Here are those notes from July, 2003:

ESBs have never been among my favorite styles of brew, often too bland and unmemorable, but I give everything it's chance and soldier on, investigating my first Alesmith bomber.

Appearance: dull red color, fairly tight white head.

Aroma: slightly citric, fruity, but otherwise arid.

Taste: niiiiiice, and tangy, zippy, fruity, very much enjoyed.
Light to medium body, decent finish, good, tangy texture.

Sweet, fruity taste rings through and through the length of the large bottle's contents. A surprising treat, though I've heard so many good things about Alesmith, I shouldn''t have been shocked. One of the best ESBs to have met my lips.

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