Thursday, July 7, 2011

Harriet Saison Nourrice

Harriet's newest is a Belgian-style saison/ farmhouse ale, named after the French word for "wet nurse." You should see the painting Jesse was doing for the label. A wise move not to make posters of that one. They have to be brown-bagged. Anyway, I'm liking it lots. Had a bunch at the brewery over the past few weeks, here's my notes from a growler just the other day.

Harriet Saison Nourrice

Clear, golden hued, enormous snowy-white head. Beautiful.

Aroma: delightful spice hits first, small sweetness, a little fruit, some apricot and orange. Enticing. Mmmm. Citrus and spice, brilliantly balanced.

Taste: Lightly hoppy, juicy, fruity malt. Excellent censurability. Fruitaciousness (new word! Enjoy it!) bounces up and down on the palate, swims around the mouth, doing what? Spreading deliciousness.

Gets dry, bitterness remains and keeps up with malt, astounding balance. Yes, astounding. This beats most, if not all, locally produced saisons. I mean that, without naming names.

Mmm, mmm, mmmmm.

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